Salary Reviews
Intuitive Salary Reviews
Discover the simplicity of managing Salary Reviews in the home of your people platform. Speed up collaboration, increase accuracy and boost engagement. Book demo
Salary reviews, without the busywork.
Run your reviews in a platform where all your employee, compensation, and performance data already live. Effortlessly auto-populate approval flows using your company hierarchy, and once you're done, watch the system automatically update each profile like magic.

Simple, yet powerful.
Give your managers a complete, holistic view of their team through an intuitive interface, making it easy to make informed decisions. Stay on track with progress summaries, notifications, and reminders that keep you updated every step of the way.

Flexible to your needs? 100%
We understand the salary review process can be complex and requires careful planning. That’s why our platform ensures you can tailor it to your needs, whether it’s editing the scope by selecting who to include based on team, department, or office, or efficiently allocating the budget by amount or percentage.