Robust features for any sized organization

Try Simployer &frankly in your team for free or contact us to create smiles for your entire workplace.

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Pulse surveys

Engagement pulsesOur core engagement pulses are based on 7 key drivers for engagement. All science-backed. done done done
Focus pulsesGet in-depth insights in topics such as onboarding, change and team effectiveness. done done done
Automated programsUse &frankly hands-off with one of our automated engagement programs that send pulse surveys and collect data for you. done done done
Standard questionsChoose from 200 questions in our library. done done done
Custom questionsCreate questions tailored to your own company initiatives to make it a relevant experience to both the business and the employees. done done done
Quick questions<Send a single question spontaneously. Widely used for meeting follow up etc. done done done
Flexible schedulingBe in total control over what and when a survey is being sent. Possibility for all group owners to send a pulse to their team regardless of user level. done done done
Automatic insight notificationGet the insights pushed to you in your channel of choice. Email, mobile app or Slack. done done done
Localized employee experienceSystem language (interface with menu, buttons and so on) is available in Swedish, English, Norwegian and Danish. The majority of the standard questions are translated in 20+ languages. Users with Workplace or Enterprise account can decide which language they want to see, while only administrator can decide which language the Team users see. English, Swedish, Norwegian & Danish done done


DashboardEasy and visual access to the results done done done
HeatmapInstant visual feedback on your result that is color coded done done done
Export resultsEasy export of results to other formats such as .pdf, .ppt, .xlsx or .csv done done done
Standard KPIsFollow a concrete metric over time using one of our standard pulses done done done
Custom KPIsCreate your own set of KPIs based on your own questions and pulses. done done done
Response rate resultsEasy follow how different teams use &frankly. done done done
Automated segment analysisDeep dive into your data and slice it according to   done done
Organizational overviewGet an holistic overview of the results from all your teams in the organization   done done
External benchmarkManagers can compare results with all other teams using &frankly. done done done
Internal benchmarkManagers can compare result with all other teams in your organization.   done done
Sentiment analysisAnalysis on free text answers and comments on all questions to discover keyphrases and sentiment.   done done
Custom analyticsBased on your specific needs we can do custom reports for you.     done

Leadership development

Micro learning articlesQuick read articles with tips for managers on how to drive engagement in their team. Available in the mobile app. done done done
Standard ActionsRecommended actions for managers based on specific results. done done done
Custom ActionsCreate your own actions to drive company best practices at scale.   done done

Employee management

Unlimited usersEmployees in your organization. Up to 100 done done
Unlimited groupsCreate groups that reflect your organizational structure. Up to 10 done done
Assisted user importGuidance and assistance in getting all your employee records into &frankly within a structure that reflects your organization.   done done
Custom user attributesAdd your own attributes to be able to analyze your data in the way you want.   done done
Flexible user access settingsRemove and give access to managers to create questions, groups and send out surveys and/or let employees have access to the results to increase transparency. done done done

Mobile Application

Mobile appAvailable on both iOS and Android. done done done

Customer Success Support

Digital oboarding done done done
Assisted onboarding programCustomized support from one of our Customer Success Managers to help onboard your organization and send out your first pulses.   done done
Personal Customer Success ManagerSenior Customer Success Manager that is a personal point of contact to support with your continuous work.     done
Digital manager trainingsEasy and continuously onboard new managers with our online training sessions. done done done
Tailored trainings for managersMake sure all managers get a good start in &frankly.     done
Customer knowledge portal24/7 access to FAQs, tutorials and educational material. done done done
E-mail support done done done
Real-time chat done done done
Prioritized support   done done
Phone support     done


Slack integrationGet questions and results pushed directly to Slack. done done done
&frankly organization APIEasily input data about your organization and employees into &frankly. done done done
&frankly data APICollect result data from &frankly and import it into the analytics tool of your choice. done done done
Single Sign-OnMake signing in to &frankly as easy as possible for employees. We support all SSO solutions that are based on SAML2 standard. We also provide pre-configured SSO with OKTA, Google, Microsoft Azure, Oracle Identity Cloud, Google G Suite, ZOHO, IBM, Gemalto, Citrix, AWS.   done done
User management integration     done
Other 3rd party integrations     done
Managed integrationCustom integration to your HR-system which include support and maintenance.     done

Privacy, Compliance and Security

Sophisticated privacy rulesIndustry best in class integrity framework to protect the anonymity of employees. Minimum 3 answers required regardless of how the data is being sliced.. done done done
GDPR compliance done done done
Compliant with global security standardFully compliant with global security standards ISO27001, OWASP, NIST and employees holding CISSP certifications. done done done


Standard service & data processor agreement done done done
Service level agreement     done
Other custom legal agreements     done