How to make your team member feel valued at work

“There’s nothing worse than feeling unseen and unheard in the workplace,” says Annie McKee, author of How to Be Happy at Work.
Friday, January 25, 2019
Reading time: 2 Minutes

“We all have a human need to be appreciated for our efforts, and so when your colleagues don’t notice [your contributions], it makes you feel as though you don’t belong.” That’s why we’ve harvested some suggestions on how you can show appreciation to your team members and colleagues.

A 'thank you' goes a long way

This is obvious, but how often do you thank a coworker or team member for a contribution? Probably not so often. A simple, honest thank you can go a long way. Besides saying thank you, you could also say things such as "I appreciate what you did there." or "I'm very grateful for your input." or "You're an awesome colleague!".

Leave a message

In line with our first suggestions is this one: why don't you leave a written message on your colleague's desk or screen? It could be a as simple as a smiling emoji or a more detailed compliment of their work contributions. All you need for this one, is a post-it or some stickers.

Feedback sessions

Yes, we've said it before. Feedback is key to building sustainable relationships with people in your team. But besides that, it's a great way to show appreciation. You could centre an entire feedback session around a great achievement or highlight a job well done in your regular sessions.

Quality time together

Friday AW or a casual lunch out. Spending time with members of your team one on one or in the group outside of work is a great way to appreciate each other. This shows that you value their company not only in the workplace.

Make asking for help ok

This one’s easy to practice. Did you know that asking someone for help is a forgotten way of making people feel valuable? By asking something as simple as "I'd love your feedback on this" or "Could you give me some input on how to manage this challenge?" you can show your colleague that you value their opinion, knowledge or skill.

Show appreciation in front of others

Public appreciation is more important to some than others, but it's a great way to show how thankful you are for someone's contributions while motivating others to step up their game. Giving appreciation in private may feel more personal, but being called out for a thing you did well in front of colleagues can make someone feel extra special. However, if you go for public appreciation, make sure that you don't appreciate the same person over and over again as this may make others feel left out.